Thursday, November 16, 2006

The toll of terror

It’s time to party
To day is Halloween 31 October 06

Just beware of the big bad witch
It is time to put on a costume to dress up
Once you done the dunking of the apple
And you’ve done the pumpkin walk
Sweets and fruit given out by good neighbours
And a clip around the ear by the local police
If you did any wrong?
If was raining you just would walk down the road to some of the neighbours then back to the house
Some of us dressed as witches others had Count Dracula costume on. It be would all over be 7-30 pm if it was a school night. If it was a Friday or a Saturday night you got to stay up a bit late .

Then it was a penny for the guy for the fire works
So I sat outside a shop or outside the house asking for a penny for the guy please then thank you. Having the big bonfire and letting off the fireworks having some friends around. Sometimes it was all the family.
You got to stay up to 10 pm if was on Saturday.
We ever put potato and sausage in the fire and eating then it was time for bed. That was before going to boarding school in 70.
At boarding school we saw the fireworks going off we had no fire, it was full of colours in the sky and now I just look out of the door and see the sky lit up. Even walking home now and still see then let off.
Come home can be fun
By Bruce

My day was a sad day Thursday come home form Cardiff
We walked all through the town centre me and my friend
all the flags were half mast.
Just because of the big man who died every other person come up to us and offered commiserations to us.
I left Cardiff at 11am going to Gatwick by coach .
The coach broke down we got to Heathrow at 6 30pm
The coach stopped there so I stood at the coach station with two Scottish flags around me waiting for the coach to Brighton with five other people. I looked shattered and some people came and offer commiserations and offer me some hot drink I said yes them thanked. It was getting a bit cold it was a nice night
The coach from London we miss by 10 mines
So they put us all on the Gatwick coach that got held up
Because of a driver to be found, that took 20minutes
So 7pm Heathrow said good bye about 7.25 the coach broke down on the road so we sat there waiting for them to come and fix the coach they got it going so I was supposed to be in Brighton at 6pm on Thursday We went back to Heathrow more people got on then we just head for Brighton , it got to Brighton at 10pm. I got home at 11pm.
My day began at 8-30 leaving my house going to get catch a to Gatwick from Brighton then from Gatwick to Cardiff in Wales arriving at 4-30pm On a Wednesday in September gone to see Wales v Scotland we won the game. My friend left Cardiff at 12 pm on Thursday got home in Scotland at 5pm by train. So he phone my mum to see if I was at home. That night I went to bed to 3am the owner of the hotel gave us permission to have a wake. The Scotland manger Jock Stein died after the game.