Wednesday, February 07, 2007

By Bruce

They say a red sky at night is a
shepherd's delight
The shy at night before it gets dark
gives a reddish look
It look like a purple sky

The sky at night at looks orange
The shy can be moody
The sky be angery
It's electric blue
The sky be gray

The sky cam be on fire
The sky can be stormy
thunder and lightning

They say a red sky in the morning is the Shephrd's warning

Friday, February 02, 2007

The weather
By Bruce

When the sun is out we are happy
When it rains we groan
When is cold and gloomy we moan
and wrap to keep warm

When the sun is out we go out
We go out for a walk
into the countryside
Or a drive in the car
May be on a bike
We even stop to have a cup of tea and cake
The air smells diffeerent too

When gale blows like mad
trying to blow you off your feet
It's one step forward and one step back

Don’t go to the beach
Unless you want to get blown into the sea
And get soaked by the waves

Then soaked by the rain
And it's cold and grey
Coat wrapped around hood up
Scarf on with umbrella up
Trying to keep off the rain
but the wind blows it away

When is it horrible weathr?
When it snows all day
and never stop

When it pours down all day
Like a bucket
It is good for the garden and the ducks too

Thursday, February 01, 2007