Wednesday, October 11, 2006


With every football game he went to home and away he and the teddy bears went with him. Bruce was dressed in tartan trousers with two flag around him. Every football game he went to home or away
he went Bruce Mother used to make tartan teddy bears
by train and aeroplane or by coach
When I first meet him it was in Copenhagen Demark train station just coming off train. Spend all day with and rest of us doing a bit of a tourists
to get the night train to Stockholm Sweden.
My story start, in Brighton with his mum with Bruce
Walking down the road to get on the train at London road station Brighton dressed in a kilt and carrying two tartan bears and a big bag it was about 10 pm when he and mum waked by the house .
Our train arrived at Newhaven harbour station.
Standing at Newhaven harbour station on a Tuesday night at 11pm for the ferry to Dieppe he was dressed in a kilt with two flag around him.
There was camera taking photo of me and the teddy bear my mum just
laughed. You heard this train before it arrived at the platform.
The train came down from London with tartan army on it
with flags and scarf hang out the windows of the train it was colourful the people who had camera taking photo of the train.
people on the platform stood by and watched then get of the train and were asked by the police to move back the tartan army then went up on to the ferry at the back with the cars. The rest of the passengers went up through the front of the ferry about 12pm it left.
Newhaven the cross over sea light mum was sea sick. Life on the ferry was busy food was served up and people slept on seats
And a cinema to .
Coming in to Dieppe the sun just rise over the harbour
We just all get off the ferry at 3.30 on to the platform to catch the
train to Paris going though the courtside the first stop was Lyon.
When we arrived in Paris we went to have a coffee to wake us up When we went to find tourist information to book the hotel.
We got a hotel for one night then we got give two underground tickets
by French a woman who married a Scott, we used them for two days .
We went into a perfume shop to buy some perfume the lady looked at me and the teddy we went to ask the boss to go for lunch once the boss went out of the shop she asked if she could have a tartan teddy for her
new granddaughter and the girls want one two.
We give her two then she came back with a load of perfume samples and a t-shirt. We went out of the shop and stated to head for the tower the whole area was mobbed by the tartan army and people mum was not sure if she if wanted to go up we did not wait very long. We went up the tower half way only because the top was closed,
The view was good it was good look over town. We walked around and saw a Scottish pip band playing so we stop and listen to then,
Then we had to go to the hotel where the Scotland team stayed to pick up my match ticket for France v Scotland. And drop off the teddy bear Marjorie got to meet my mother it was nice to put a face to some one
from the phone calls. Pele the football was setting with her in a hall .
Then we did a bit more waking then mum went back to the hotel had some thing to eat. I went on the underground to the game I just followed the crowd I got off two stop before and walked up to the ground
After game I went back to the hotel on the underground and got lost
So I asked two people the way luck for me they were going my way
when I arrived I went to have some to eat and a drink then went to bed.
On Thursday morning we had breakfast then we went for a walk through the town. By midday we went to get the train to Dieppe for the ferry home. Then on the ferry mum was sea sick.
We got back in our house about 4pm.


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