Friday, October 13, 2006

On Wednesday 11 October

I phone my friend Eileen in the morning to wish her a happy
Birthday. Waked down the on the way I bought her some strawberries and oranges. It was rain in the morning by lunch time the sun try to come out.
We went out for the day to Lewes to do a bit of shopping on the way the bus got court in rood works. By 3.30 we on our way home on the bus.
I arrive at work about half past 4mp to my job a caretaker by 5.30
Wednesday watching Ukraine v Scotland
On the computer at work
letting the students that come to the evening caretaker to open when they buss the front door. Just up to half time then David our E- learning Co-ordinator came over and put the mockers on me. He said do my Bolger. Tommy our Administer was watching the with me before he went to the pub to do the quiz nigh . One good thing England lost 2-0 to
Croatia the rest of the home nation did will. After all the class finished locking up I walked home. Has any one got some photo of Bruce in his kit from Bulgaria and Romania please put then on the bogger


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